I’m a creative person living in Glasgow, Scotland. I’ve been a professional graphic designer for over 15 years. I’ve done web design since the millennium and built up my skills in the last decade or so. I’ve worked in the Public Sector for several years but I’ve also been in companies and on my own.
As well as my design work I photograph events and everyday life in my area – mostly architecture, streets and transport. I also have some photos from trips around the UK and abroad. I’m in some cycling groups and a few others for gigs and different things.
Why is the site called Dashed Lines?
Fold lines, technical areas, lane dividers, concealed edges… Dashed lines seem to stitch together some of my interests.
Why start this site?
The nudge to do this site was finding out about the Lord Lyon prosecuting Scottish football clubs. I started the Shield Shirkers project to redesign club badges and combine my interests in football, graphic design and heraldry.
Coming back to cycling, I’ve developed an interest in safer roads and infrastructure. There aren’t that many websites about my area so I’ll try to add a few articles about cycling and the East End.
I’d meant to have a site of my design work again for the last few years. It takes me a while to get round to things…
Random facts
Other things I’ve really liked, gone away from and then got back into: porridge, click-pencils and PJ Harvey.
I usually have 6Music on but sometimes I listen to other stations like SomaFM.